Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apples to Apples

With kids ranging in age from 18 (soon to be 19! Yikes!) to 9, it isn't always easy to come up with family activities that everyone will enjoy. One of the games that we love to play is Apples to Apples.

I won't try to describe the game to you because, quite frankly, Amazon does a much better job of explaining the game. But I can tell you that our whole family loves playing this game! (The box says it's for ages 12 to adult, but my 9yo plays it with no problem.)

So, if you are looking for a really fun game for your family, try playing Apples to Apples! For more great tips check out Works For Me Wednesday over at Rocks in my Dryer.



Martie said...

We've been wanting to try this game. It's good to hear that you like it!

Thanks for the tip.

mom to 9

Misty said...

LOVE your new layout, and i LOVE that game! It's one of our favorites too along with catch phrase.

Tracy said...

We LOVE this game, too! Our kids have parties several times a year, and this is always a hit with everyone that attends.

Karen said...

Although I am not a game player (at least not the board game kind), I have been meaning to tell you that I am glad that you are back to posting. Welcome back!


Michelle said...

I've looked at this game many times. I may just get it. I'm always worried they'll be too hard for our 9 year old.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is so pretty!

Momala said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! Michelle, our 9yo has a great time playing this game, the only issue is that sometimes we will have to explain a name that he isn't familiar with (like who is Al Pacino or Keanu Reaves?) This hasn't posed a problem though. We played last night and he did better than I did!

Momala said...
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Anonymous said...

My husband and I played this game at a church fellowship once and *loved* it! So fun! (o:
