Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WFMW - Getting Rid Of Stinky Smells

Having six people, one cat, and one dog in the house can lead to some rather unpleasant, um, bathroom odors. I've tried all different types of air fresheners, and besides giving me a headache, they just leave the bathroom with a flowery stinky smell.
Then I discovered Pure Citrus! This stuff will cut through and eliminate (ha ha) any stinky smell, plus it doesn't give me a headache. I bought this at Walmart for about $2.50.
This is what works for me! Head over to Rocks In my Dryer for more great WFMW tips!


Misty said...

i've never heard of this.... I must try it!

Teble said...

I use Pure Citrus too, but not just as an air freshener. It's also REALLY great at removing sticky price tags and labels. My husband is a manager at Linens N Things, where they sell all kinds of products like Goo Gone that are supposed to work for removing labels, but he uses this spray instead. And it smells WAY better than Goo Gone!

connie said...

Sounds like a good idea I will check it out, thank you...

Momala said...


I'll have to try this on sticky labels, Thanks!

Tara said...

My MIL uses this lol It does work!