I had a very successful shopping trip today! I hit 6 stores and got a few good deals. I have been meaning to start stocking up on staples because I am trying to reduce my grocery budget. Right now I'm spending $140-$150 a week. I want to reduce that to around $100. This won't be easy since I have 3 teenagers (aka the bottomless pits) (BTW, I bought 6 gallons of milk at Sam's Club. A lady passing by actually asked "Are you thirsty?" I am just hoping the milk will last until Monday!)
Anyway, back to the sauce. Sentry had Ragu on sale 10 for $10! And, I had 2 coupons 3/$1, so, I got 10 jars of sauce for $8.00! 

Then I went to CVS and got $35 worth of stuff for $1.45! I didn't take a picture of that.
I guess we'll be eating Italian food for a while!
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