Hi honey! I hope you are enjoying England. Just in case you're feeling homesick, here's what you're missing.

No, that's not snow on the driveway, its ice pellets. Here's a close-up.

This is what I'll be doing tonight. The kids and I are going to have pizza and watch Muppet's Treasure Island. (S of course will be eating PB&J)

We miss you and can't wait for you to come home. I hope the weather is better by the time you fly back over the "big blue wet thing. "
and here I was just feeling sorry for myself because we have more snow than this part of Idaho knows how to emotionally handle...
thanks for humbling me :)
I love that movie! (that's where my blog title comes from.) Anyway, lovely pictures of the ice. We had a giant windstorm here. Somebody's roof is in the middle of a major road, lots of trees down, and so forth. It almost seems like spring except for the 18degree weather. Hope you're toasty warm!
Hi Misty! Don't feel humbled, just feel happy that you aren't dealing with the -30 degree wind chills that we have here today. Yikes its cold!
Hi Karen! That movie is one of our family favorites! We've had it so long that it's on video cassette, not DVD. With 4 kids from 8 - 18, it is the one movie that I know everyone will want to watch. We know the whole movie by heart, and when I suggested that we watch it last night, my 8yo started saying "How does she do that?" and "Cabin Fever AHHHH" I was wondering how you picked the name of your blog. That's awesome!
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