Monday, January 14, 2008

How Can My Heart Can Be So Fickle

Last week was just crummy. I didn't feel well most of the week, I didn't get much done around the house, and I didn't get up early and do my devotions. Anytime I did spend in the Word was half-hearted.

And I began to notice I was having more and more of a desire to just veg out in front of the TV. After writing this post, it only took a few days of not being in the Word for my heart to start changing right back again.

It made me realize how much I need to be in God's Word every day. I need to wholly rely on Him to just get me through the day!

With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:10, 11 esv

For me it works best to get up before the rest of the family to do my devotions. This isn't always easy, (I'm pretty bleary eyed until I get my first cup of coffee) but it is well worth it. If I don't do it first thing, I never seem to get around to it.

How do you find time to spend in God's Word? Is there a specific time or place that works best for you? Do you use a devotional or just read your Bible? Do you have a specific devotional that you would recommend? Leave a comment! I'd love to hear what works best for you.


Liz said...

I've got to have routine in order to be disciplined at daily quiet time. If I'm off for a holiday or something, I tend to sleep in and then my quiet time often gets pushed aside.

I usually get up between 5:30 - 6:00 and take a shower first. Otherwise, I'm just not awake. I used to go up to my loft, but it's hot in summer and cold in winter. I finally moved to my bedroom, and my husband has voluntarily gotten up at 6:00 on his days off in order to give me the space.

I am using a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan because I prefer to just read scripture. That's just my personal preference for where I'm at right now.

Bottom line is that I need that quiet time every day. It's just not effective to live on what I read yesterday because - let's face it - we're forgetful people. I've tried it for years, and it just doesn't work. It's vital to renew my relationship with the Lord daily.

Misty said...

i could insert a ton of excuses here. I could say that my daughter has screaming fits throughout the night and so ideally i wold love to be up early for time with God, I am not making it a priority at any other time of day... I want to do my time with God because I desire it, not because i feel guilty if I don't. God isn't a God of guilt and I know that this is soulely my self doing it.
I tend to fit it in, where I can (when I can) which, needless to say- is not what needs to be getting done.

Musings of a Housewife said...

I need this SO badly. The only way for me is to do it first thing in the a.m. But I'm usually anxious to get online and blog and read emails during that time. I struggle constantly to remember to read my Bible first.